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TAMPA & SUN CITY 813-773-1285
BRADENTON 941-842-3855

Clearwater Shoulder Pain Treatment

Expert Orthopedists Ready to Help You

Shoulder pain can occur in the shoulder joint itself or from the surrounding soft tissue such as muscles, ligaments or tendons. Shoulder pain can be identified as coming from the joint as it usually worsens with movement of your arm or shoulder.

You May Be Experiencing Pain in Your:

  • Shoulder joint
  • Upper arm
  • Upper thoracic spine
  • Upper chest region

Other conditions affecting structures in your chest or abdomen, such as heart disease or gallbladder disease can cause referred pain into the shoulder region but this does not worsen with shoulder motion.

Contact our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced orthopedic specialists.

Conditions That Cause Shoulder Pain Are:

Rotator cuff disorders such as rotator cuff tears

Shoulder impingement

  • Sub-acromial bursitis, tendonitis or tendinopathy
  • Calcific tendonitis
  • Gleno-humeral disorders such as adhesive capsulitis (‘frozen shoulder’)
  • Osteo-arthritis of the shoulder or the acromio-clavicular joint
  • Biceps tendonitis
  • Shoulder instability – associated with hypermobility, subluxation or dislocation of the joint
  • Fractures of the shoulder

Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain

Comprehensive assessment including x-rays, MRIs, ultra sound and arthroscopy identifies the problem and helps determine treatment choices.

Conservative Care:

Involves rest, altering your activities, and physical therapy to relieve pain and restore shoulder strength and flexibility.

Shots and Medications:

We may also recommend medication or injections of numbing medications or steroids to relieve pain.


90 percent of patients with shoulder pain will respond to simple treatment methods such as altering activities, rest, exercise, and medication but certain shoulder problems, such as recurring dislocations and some rotator cuff tears may need immediate surgery.

Surgery can involve arthroscopy to remove scar tissue or repair torn tissues, or traditional, open procedures for larger reconstructions or shoulder replacements. Our rotator cuff repairs can often be done through arthroscopy with expedited recovery and we do total shoulder replacement and reverse shoulder replacements as needed for progressive osteo-arthritis and traumatic injury.

Our surgeons are certified in sports orthopedics and provide extensive acute care management and rehabilitation for sports injuries.

You don’t have to keep living with shoulder pain. Call (727) 300-2537 to schedule an appointment with an experienced orthopedist today.

  • Minimal Wait Time
    You shouldn't have to wait a profound amount of time to see a physician we'll get you in, in two weeks or less.
  • Education Is Key
    We believe in educating our patients so they feel empowered when making decisions about their care.
  • 4 Convenient Locations
    We are easily accessible with 4 locations that are able to provide the same quality of care.
  • Multi-Specialty Practice
    We pride ourselves on providing our patients with care from physicians who specialize in their needs.