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Everything You Need to Know About Spinal Injections

Person receiving a spinal injection

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? If so, you aren’t alone.

Around 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain and, unfortunately, pain doesn’t come cheap. According to the Institute of Medicine, the cost of treatment and lost wages runs United States citizens about $600 billion dollars per year.

The good news is that there are treatment options available for those who suffer from chronic back pain.

Spinal injections can often provide patients relief from nagging back pain. In fact, it may be effective even in circumstances where other treatments fail.

If you’ve been searching for a way to end your chronic back pain, this post is for you.

Read on to find out how spinal injections may be able to help you get rid of your constant back pain.

What You Need to Know About Spinal Injections

A 2010 study from the Global Burden of Disease found that back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Almost 10% of people around the globe suffer from low back pain, the study shows.

According to at least one news source, and likely others, the study’s research methods actually underestimate the total number of people worldwide who suffer from severe back pain. Still, as the source points out, the study brings to light one of the most common ailments afflicting the world today.

Many of those suffering from these issues resort to multiple medications and other types of treatments, yet find little relief. Often people continue to suffer despite attempts to alleviate their pain.

Hard-to-Treat Back Pain

There are several types of ailments that cause back pain.

Some of the things that may be associated with relentless back pain include:

  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Herniated Disc
  • Nerve Damage
  • Ruptured Discs
  • Wearing Down of Discs
  • Spasms
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Prior Injury or Damage

It may be difficult to precisely diagnose the cause of patients’ back pain. Often, it’s a combination of factors that contribute to one’s back problems.

After exploring a variety of treatment options, many patients feel that they are stuck living with constant pain. That may even be where you are now.

If you are running out of options, it may be time to consider spinal injections.

Types of Spinal Injections

There are a few different types of spinal injections can treat back pain.

The available options for spinal injections for back pain include the following:

  • Epidural
  • Nerve block
  • Discography

These injections can treat or help diagnose pain that originates from the nerves, discs, and other conditions and causes.

Most patients report some improvement with spinal injections. These types of procedures may work even if you have not had success with other types of treatments such as pain medication, physician-recommended stretches, and/or supportive equipment.

An epidural is often given to administer steroids to the spinal region. One of the most common steroids physicians administer is an anesthetic medication, also called a corticosteroid. These injections are best at treating modest to moderate pain for short periods of time.

A nerve block causes an immediate numbing effect that lasts for several hours.

Physicians sometimes use nerve block injections to diagnose the source of the patient’s pain. This procedure is also referred to as a discography.

There may be other methods that your physician recommends to treat your back pain as well.

What to Expect When Scheduling Your Appointment

Patients often experience many valuable benefits after receiving spinal injections.

Once you have discussed your treatment options with your physician and decided which type of spinal injection is best for your particular circumstance, you will need to make an appointment with your doctor’s office.

It’s best to discuss the procedure with your physician beforehand so you will know exactly what to expect. Details such as the length of time needed to perform the procedure, as well as recovery times, may vary depending on the type of spinal injection you are having and the specifics of your case.

Most spinal injections can be performed in the doctor’s office on an outpatient basis. The majority of these procedures will not require extensive recovery times and can be completed in less than one hour.

Post-Procedure Recovery

Once you have had the procedure, your doctor may ask that you remain at the office for a short period of observation before releasing you to go home.

As with any medical procedure, if you experience abnormal levels of discomfort or any related complications, you should call and report this to your physician immediately.

Sometimes, your doctor may give you the option to repeat the procedure once the effects have worn off, if your back pain returns.

You should always review your treatment history with your doctor. There may be a limit on the number of spinal injections that you are allowed to undergo annually.

Are You Looking for Relief From Nagging Back Pain?

If you’ve been suffering from back pain and have not had success with other types of treatments, a spinal injection may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Wondering if a spinal injection could be the answer to your aching back?

The Comprehensive Spine Institute professionals can answer your questions about spinal injections, and help you determine the best treatment option for you.

Constant back pain can take a toll on every area of your life, including your career, relationships, physical health, and mental well-being. A spinal injection may be able to stop back pain in its tracks, but there’s only one way to know for sure if its the right treatment for you.

Contact us today to find out if a spinal injection could help put an end to your back pain fast!

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